Saturday, October 7, 2023

Toronto Functional Medicine Centre Explains How Functional Medicine May Work for PCOS

Toronto, Ontario -

Toronto Functional Medicine Centre in Toronto, ON, Canada, has recently published an article on its website regarding the use of functional medicine for PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome. Almost 1.4 million women in the US have PCOS, which is a health condition that tends to be diagnosed in women of child-bearing ages. Hormone imbalance is believed to be the cause of fluid-filled sacs or cysts forming on the ovaries. At present, scientists have not yet been able to determine exactly how hormone imbalance causes PCOS, although previous problems with hormones and family histories with diabetes or PCOS appear to increase the risk of getting PCOS.

The clinical symptoms of PCOS need to be addressed to avoid complications in the future. Some of the health issues that may develop if PCOS is left untreated include: infertility, miscarriages, gestational diabetes; irritable bowel syndrome; giving birth prematurely; heart disease (atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and blood pressure levels); and increased risks for uterine cancer.

Functional Medicine for PCOS

PCOS may also cause acne, weight gain, unsteady periods, additional body or face hair or thinning hair, anxiety, insulin resistance, depression, and breathing problems because of obesity / insulin resistance. It may also increase the risks of the individual with PCOS to develop type 2 diabetes.

The early diagnosis of PCOS and using personalized treatments may reduce the risks of having long-term health problems. Thus, women with PCOS need to find those approaches that may help manage its chronic symptoms, including fertility issues, acne and weight changes, and digestive problems. Functional medicine approaches have been designed to take into account a patient’s biology. This health care model examines the uniqueness of each patient to comprehend how that patient’s body works. Thus, they will take into account the patient’s health history, current environment, current lifestyle, and health goals for determining the therapies to be used. This means that functional tests may need to be done to quantify certain elements, such as nutrients, dietary habits, or hormone levels. These will allow the functional medicine health provider to develop a customized treatment plan for a particular patient.

Patients with PCOS symptoms who visit the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre can expect to have discussions with the health care providers on various topics, including: laboratory tests, dietary changes, supplements, and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

Functional medicine lab testing may be recommended to help zero in on the root causes of the symptoms. DUTCH testing is performed on dried urine to determine hormone levels to help in determining therapies for better hormonal balance. Testing for blood sugar levels will also be recommended, specifically for determining fasting insulin and fasting glucose levels, including hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C). HbA1C is a measurement of average blood sugars for a period of three months.

Dietary changes will also be discussed because a healthy diet has to be followed for people struggling with insulin resistance and obesity. Supplements may also be recommended based on the symptoms. For instance, inositols may be recommended because studies have shown that their deficiency may contribute to symptoms of PCOS. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy may also be suggested because women suffering from PCOS tend to overproduce androgens. Plant-based ingredients may be used to help increase progesterone levels.

The Toronto Functional Medicine Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada utilizes an integrative functional medicine approach that combines allopathic medicine, restorative medicine, acupuncture, bio-identical hormone replacement, detoxification, and more. This approach may be used for different types of health issues, including: neuropathic pain, postmenopausal health issues, acute health issues, tissue repair, athletic recovery, hormone imbalances, DNA repair, fertility issues, cellular damage, chronic fatigue, mineral deficiencies, thyroid issues, adrenal function, skin rejuvenation, immune function, and more.

Those who would like to know more about the integrative functional medicine approach, such as the use of functional medicine for PCOS and other health topics such as the use of functional medicine for type II diabetes, chronic stress, endometriosis, and more, can visit the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre website or contact them through the phone at (416) 968-6961 or via email at They are open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays; from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursdays; from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Fridays; and from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on alternating Saturdays.

from Press Releases
Toronto Functional Medicine Centre Press Room
Toronto Functional Medicine Centre
162 Cumberland St 222 A
Toronto, ON M5R 1A8
(416) 968-6961
Visit us at our Functional Medicine Centre in Toronto.
Other resources: Google Site

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