Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Toronto Functional Medicine Centre Is Offering Calcium IV Therapy in Toronto

Toronto, Ontario -

Toronto Functional Medicine Centre has published a blog post presenting 10 facts about calcium, one of the most crucial minerals required by the body. The integrative functional medicine centre is offering patients calciumIV therapy combined with other minerals and vitamins in Toronto, administered at the clinic’s IV Lounge.

Though calcium is first and foremost thought of as being indispensable for good bone health, it also has a role to play in the smooth functioning of several other organs and processes including muscle health, clotting blood, optimizing nerve function, and synchronizing heart rhythms. Since the body cannot produce it on its own, it must be consumed, either via food or supplementation. The Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health notes the fragility of the process that uses and reuses calcium in the body by saying, “Ideally, the calcium that is “borrowed” from the bones will be replaced at a later point. But this doesn’t always happen, and can’t always be accomplished just by eating more calcium.”

Calcium IV Therapy in Toronto

The first interesting fact the blog post from Toronto Functional Medicine Centre shares about calcium is that it is needed by both children and adults. Infants and kids need calcium for bone development while adults need it to prevent loss of existing bone density. The bones act as a stockpile of the mineral with over 99% of it, being extracted by the body as needed. Next, calcium, along with magnesium, controls the contraction and relaxation of a heart muscle that frames around blood vessels.

Third, the blog post highlights calcium’s role in muscle movement as it is released when the muscle is roused, to assist proteins with performing contractions. Fourth, calcium absorption is linked to the amount of vitamin D in the body. Insufficient vitamin D levels can cause issues in the production of a hormone called calcitriol, an active form of vitamin D, which in turn leads to lower calcium absorption.

Another fact shared by the blog post notes that calcium and magnesium supplements have been shown to reduce the risks of preeclampsia in pregnant women who are deprived of those minerals. Similarly, calcium might replenish mineral deficiencies during PMS.

The seventh and eighth facts reveal how patients can restore the calcium in their bodies to the healthy levels they need. This includes eating non-dairy foods such as leafy greens, edamame, fortified orange juice, almonds, winter squash, beans, and nuts. Patients with dietary restrictions that prevent them from consuming the aforementioned foods can turn to supplements in chewable, powdered, liquid or capsule forms. For example, calcium citrate is cited as a supplement by the Mayo Clinic that can be taken by patients with low stomach acid, inflammatory bowel disease, or absorption disorders.

Finally, the ninth and tenth facts discuss how IV therapy at Toronto Functional Medicine Centre may be used to increase calcium intake. In IV nutrient therapy, a nutritional solution with beneficial ingredients, such as calcium, magnesium and potassium is administered through the veins. The solution does not pass through the digestive tract allowing its use for patients who want to avoid the unwanted side effects associated with oral supplements.

The functional medicine health care team at Toronto Functional Medicine Centre can ensure that the supplementation and the mode of delivery suits each patient. The centre provides patients with a complete diagnostic session before their first vitamin drip treatment. The health care team will consider the patient’s unique health needs, genetics, environmental, and lifestyle factors to customize treatment from a range of IV therapies including intravenous drips with high-dose vitamin C, major antioxidants such as NAD and glutathione , a medley of amino acids, glutamic acid, essential vitamins, and more.

Readers can find out more about the full range of IV therapies available at Toronto Functional Medicine Centre, such as its molybdenum in IV therapy, by visiting its website. For more information, the clinic can also be reached via phone at (416) 968-6961, through email at and various social media platforms. They are open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursdays; and from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on alternating Saturdays.

from Press Releases
Toronto Functional Medicine Centre Press Room
Toronto Functional Medicine Centre
162 Cumberland St 222 A
Toronto, ON M5R 1A8
(416) 968-6961
Visit us at our Functional Medicine Centre in Toronto.
Other resources: Google Site

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