Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Functional Medicine Centre in Toronto Gives Tips on Eating Healthy

Toronto, Ontario -

Toronto Functional Medicine Centre (TFMC) is an Ontario health and wellness clinic that aims to help people naturally enrich their minds and bodies. One of the main education sources that the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre offers is the wide variety of health-promoting blogs that it posts on its website. The latest of which is a new article that gives functional medicine tips on eating healthy. This newly posted blog is appropriately titled "5 Ways to Begin Eating Healthy".

This article started by stating that old eating habits die hard and implementing new eating choices is not always simple. Blogs such as this one provide information that can help encourage people to transition into eating a more nutritious diet. The first of the 5 healthy eating tips presented in the article is that it may benefit someone if they start a garden. The article states that this is because scientific evidence links having a garden to making healthier food choices. Also mentioned were that people who want to eat healthier should shop or grow fruits and vegetables that offer a wide variety of colours. Colourful fruits and vegetables have phytonutrients that may contribute to the prevention of various chronic diseases and heart disease.

Functional Medicine Tips on Eating Healthy

The TFMC post also mentioned that eating healthy inside the home is easy, but the opposite is true when eating outside the home. So doing such things as packing nutritious meals for lunch at work or school can promote healthier eating outside of the home too. The 4th healthy eating tip in the blog post was to look for educational sources that cover healthy eating. The last tip was for people that are learning how to eat healthier to occasionally give themselves a pat on the back for making healthier food choices.

This blog follows on the heels of another posted article from the clinic that goes over how to manage low leptin levels. Leptin is a hormone generated by fat cells that communicate with the brain and tells it when and how much to eat to properly burn calories. These feelings of fullness that leptin creates are the reason that most people do not eat more than they need to and, therefore, they can better maintain a healthy weight. Problems can arise in those that have too much or too little Leptin. Those who want to know more may want to check the clinic’s website for the full article.

The clinic seeks to help people achieve their health goals through a more personalised medicine approach, help address health issues with natural treatments, and help people with treatment options that reflect their current health status and fit their lifestyle.


Those looking for assistance in making healthy lifestyle decisions, like dietary changes, are encouraged to reach out to the health practitioners at the Toronto Functional Medicine Centre by phone (416) 968-6961, email at info@tfm.care, or by filling out the contact form that’s found on its website.

from Press Releases
Toronto Functional Medicine Centre Press Room
Toronto Functional Medicine Centre
162 Cumberland St 222 A
Toronto, ON M5R 1A8
(416) 968-6961
Visit us at our Functional Medicine Centre in Toronto.
Other resources: Google Site

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